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Meet Malene Golding!


Malene Golding, past-President of the Texas Association for Literacy Education, is the founder of Golding Touch Education Consulting, LLC which provides professional development and job-embedded coaching in literacy instruction for universities, regional centers, districts, and campuses. She also serves as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Houston-Clear Lake where she teaches Foundational Literacy Skills to preservice teachers.  


She is a founding member of GHALE, Greater-Houston Association for Literacy Education, and an active member of TALE whose mission is to promote literacy that will enhance the lives of all Texas citizens personally, socially, and economically. Malene served as the Director of Elementary Literacy in Houston Independent School District, the nation’s seventh-largest urban district serving over 200,000 students. In this capacity, she assisted upper management in directing, developing, and evaluating the district’s comprehensive literacy plan. Malene managed, organized, and developed systemic changes to improve student literacy collaborating with other central office departments and district campuses.


As a professional educator for over twenty years, she enjoys teaching and coaching teachers, administrators, and specialists. Simplifying reading and writing instruction for teachers and students is one of Malene’s passions. She believes it is essential to create learning opportunities that are purposeful, engaging, and fun.

A Quick Chat...

1. What would you say your Woman Is___!?

I would say my Woman Is... resilient, transformative, and empowering. Resilient, in that, I've been able to withstand the challenges I've encountered in my life, especially in my career. In that same vein, I would say, transformative because I was taught to learn from the challenges as well. In everything there's a lesson and a blessing. Finally, Woman Is... empowering. I strive to empower others to be their best in all of their endeavors. This is especially evident in the work I do with teachers and administrators as an education consultant. 


2. What inspired you to take this particular path?

I am an educator at my core. I feel like I'm walking in my purpose every time I'm able to teach others or collaborate with others to extend their knowledge. I'm inspired by the light I see in the eyes of people I interact with. Every morning I ask to be a blessing to everyone I encounter, whether personally or professionally. 


3. Who inspires you?

Passionate, dedicated teachers inspire me. I think it takes a special person to work with children of any age on a daily basis. 


4. What advice would you give to a woman/young girl who is trying to navigate a space similar to yours?

Do your research so you know your stuff. Education consultants need to have a bag full of tips and strategies. These are best honed in classrooms with students, so don't think that you can be a great consultant with just a few years of teaching experience under your belt. Communicating with colleagues should also be part of your research. We don't teach in silos and have much to gain from other practitioners. 


5. Do you have a favorite Bible scripture? 

Romans 8:28

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 

This scripture is my reminder that everything happens for a reason and for my good. Even when it seems it's not for my good, I can rest in the fact that it will eventually work out for my good, because I love the Lord; and I always seek to be obedient to His purpose. 


6. What is something you do to relax/have fun?

Listen to music and dance. Music has a way of lightening my spirit and helping me soar.


7. How can people connect with you/help support you in your journey? 

I always request prayers. Pray that the Lord opens doors and opportunities for me to prosper and be a blessing to everyone I come in contact with. Also, if you know of any schools or teachers that need support, I can be contacted through my website:

Who's up next?

To nominate a phenomenal woman to be highlighted in our Community section, please email us and let us know how she's making a difference in this world. 

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